Wednesday, April 27, 2005 -- 8:30 PM
Sometime, somewhere, everyone grows up. It's a strange phenomenon alright, but it happens. Of course there are exceptions, too. Peter Pan would probably be the most famous example, and the cast of "Sex and the City" lurch haltingly to mind. They are so obsessed with relationships and makeup and faggots that they seem to be making a career out of it, and the really shocking thing is that it's so poular. People want silly relationship problems and petty backstabbings. They want their hearts ripped throbbing out of their chests so that they can justify the proverbial blood on their own hands. I guess in a sick way they're even entertaining themselves. Maybe it's because they're so bored with their lives that they need some kind of emotional escape in order to continue living. I'm just glad I'm so much better than them.
Monday, April 04, 2005 -- 5:57 PM
It's Official
The pope is dead. Sources also indicate that, more importantly, I'm going to be a college student in the fall. The irony is that here I sit, just getting over the fact that I'm eighteen years old. I didn't recently celebrate my birthday either, it was last July, but it really has taken this long for me to realise it, and not just in a now-I-can-go-get-liquor kind of a way either because that one came pretty quickly. No, it's really more the what-the-hell?-now-I-guess-I-should-start-acting-more-mature kind of way. No worries though; framing has taught me a lot about hard work and not putting up with other people's bullshit, much more so than when I was framing last summer, for an intense variety of multicoloured reasons. I also am feeling no desire to take this college thing too seriously. I find that the people that revel in it are more pompous and asinine and less scholarly. Dammit, I'm just not going to put up with that bullshit!