Saturday, February 25, 2006 -- 12:11 PM
I've uploaded some pictures of Thailand. I'll be adding to them and sorting them slowly until hopefully, one day, they'll all be there and you'll have some kind of reconstruction of my Thailand Adventures. You can see them all here, but I'd like to point out a couple of really cool pictures below. Notice that they're both taken on the same street in Chiang Mai, in almost exactly the same place. This gives an accurate idea of how vast the difference between nighttime and daytime actually was in that crazy city.

Thursday, February 09, 2006 -- 5:14 PM
Today after school I went to McDonald's for a late lunch. It wasn't only that I was hungry but also that it was much nicer to wait for a bus indoors. It was snowing lightly, which felt nice because the cold was not as sharp. It's some sort of a natural law that I don't understand: always when it is a harsh enough cold the snow doesn't fall.
There is no McDonald's on campus; I took a bus to the highway where I could catch the final bus that would take me the rest of the way home. While I walked towards the warmth of the building, I tried to remember the last time I was at a McDonald's, but I couldn't. I guessed about four months. It felt like something to do if you felt nostalgic one day and I wasn't nostalgic at all, only a little hungry. I wondered to myself who still went to McDonald's.
This McDonalds isn't on campus, but close enough to be a college restaurant, and there were college kids there. Two of them were leaving as I entered, and the other two were sitting down. One of them talked very loudly, and the other one just listened. I ordered and sat in the back near a window and watched the snow and the parking lot. Two tables over was a middle-aged man drinking coffee. He looked like he was waiting for someone, and didn't want to be there. There was also a young mother with a stroller. She didn't look like she wanted to be there either.
I began reviwing some notes that my friend had given me for a class that I had missed. A phone rang and the loud kid answered. He talked loudly about his morning and then about where he was and then he gave loud directions to somewhere.
I left a little later and got on the bus and went home though the snow. I guess it'll be awhile before I go back to McDonald's.